“...As you go into all the world, preach openly the wonderful news of the gospel to the entire human race!" Mark 16:15 (TPT)
Our Missionaries
John and Adriana Mattica of The Honduran Fellowship of Missionaries and Ministries

The Honduran Fellowship of Missionaries and Ministries is a ministry that has long been in the heart of John and Adriana Mattica. Since their arrival to Honduras in 2002, they quickly noticed they were not the only missionaries in there. They also found many of these missionaries were tired, burning out, and most of all, feeling alone. In 2009, the Mattica’s started this new ministry with the purpose of promoting unity among missionaries through the creation of a network of communication and a commitment to helping each other as co-laborers of the Kingdom. John is responsible for the leadership and overseeing the programs and strategic plan of the organization. He also manages the day-to-day operations including committees and staff. Adriana serves as a liaison between HFMM and the community-at-large and, specifically, potential members, current members, and volunteers. She also oversees and directs HFMM events, including retreats, general assemblies, regional meetings, staff meetings, and special events. Their vision is to help missionaries and ministries better accomplish the call that God has given them in this part of His Kingdom through whatever means available to their ministry; doing their part as missionaries in bringing the promises of God for Honduras into reality.
Dr. Phillip Rich of Ekklisia Ministries

Dr. Phil Rich answered the call of God from the age of 15 and has been preaching and teaching the gospel ever since. With over 40 plus years in the ministry Dr. Phil Rich is a seasoned Apostle and Prophet of God and is used extensively in the gifts of the Spirit. God has gifted Dr. Phil with a very unique style of ministry that blends the revelated teaching aspect along with powerful prophetic preaching! His ministry is marked with visible signs wonders and miracles, with reports of filling of teeth, disappearance of tumors, and the salvation of the lost.
Terry Mize of Terry Mize Ministries

Terry and late wife, Jackie, are both best-selling authors. Terry wrote “More Than Conquerors,” which includes the much-told “Hitchhiker Story,” and Jackie’s legacy can be witnessed through the countless testimonies from her book, “Supernatural Childbirth.”
New Harvest Ministries International

Reaching Around the World with the Word
New Harvest Ministries International was founded in 1989 in Holland, Michigan by Evangelist Herb Stewart and his wife Jean with one simple mission and purpose: to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the most remote regions of the world and to fulfill the words of the Great Commission! “’Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen.” Matthew 28:19-20 This has been the foundation and the heart of this ministry!
President Dale Scholten began traveling the world with New Harvest founder Herb Stewart almost 30 years ago. He was appointed to step in as president after Herb’s retirement in January of 2015. Dale is also a full-time pastor and lead singer/director of Down Home Gospel Music Ministries. In addition to her responsibilities with New Harvest Ministries, Jeanne Scholten, with her husband, Pastors their church. She also leads women’s ministries as a speaker, teacher and mentor. When they are not “Reaching Around the World with the Word,” they enjoy spending time with their family, camping, fishing, and other outdoor activities. The following is a testimony from Pastor Laban Ndimubenya- Referring to Brother Herb and Pastor Dale; “I don’t know where my ministry would be without these precious men coming to my country in Africa continent 20 years ago. Doing unforgettable work across the earth.”